Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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On Collaboration And Partnering

By David Brock | July 25, 2011

More than ever before, collaboration and partnering are critical to business success and sales.  Internal collaboration–marketing, sales, customer service — all working together to grow the business; external collaborations–working with channel and business partners in reaching customers; collaborative relationships with customer–becoming a trusted advisor in facilitating their buying processes. Yet the data on collaboration and partnering is very bleak.  Many internal efforts at collaboration fail, projects start but never finish or fail to achieve their objectives.  Often internal collaborations leave organizations worse off than if they never collaborated at all.  Data on external collaborations and partnering is even more dismal […]

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Relationships Don’t Get You The Order!

By David Brock | July 24, 2011

Before you misunderstand, relationships are very important in sales.  If everything else is equal, I’d much prefer to have a deep relationship in any competitive sales situation.  So I don’t want to diminish the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships.  The issue, though, is everything else is never equal. Unfortunately, I think too many people focus only primarily on the relationship.  I read a comment in a discussion that made me cringe:  “…successful sales depends on relationships, it’s not a matter of ‘productivity’ in terms of calls made, appointments set……”  I couldn’t imagine a statement that is more wrong.  […]

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What Would Your Customer Say?

By David Brock | July 21, 2011

A major part of what I do for a living is to help individuals and organizations improve their performance and sales effectiveness.  I participate in a lot of meetings where I’m asked to review the sales effectiveness initiatives of organizations.  These people are very bright, extremely capable and have tremendous backgrounds in selling.  The initiatives they talk about are always very interesting.  There’s a huge amount of logic behind what they are trying to do.  They support their initiatives with great data, and sometimes the expert views of other consultants. I sit in these reviews, I’m buying into what they are […]

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It’s Not About The Questions, It’s The Conversation

By David Brock | July 20, 2011

There’s a huge amount of discussion about questions in selling.  Entire books have been written about questions and questioning, questions are the focus of all sorts of training programs and fodder for thousands of blog posts (a few of which I’ve written myself). But questions aren’t the fundamental issue–conversations are.  Questions are an important part of establishing a conversation, but I think focusing on questions creates an imbalance and may, in fact, detract from our ability to have conversations. What’s critical in sales is establishing meaningful, high impact conversations with customers.  Those conversations are an exchange of information, ideas, opinions, […]

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Questions, Questions, What Are The Right Questions?

By David Brock | July 19, 2011

I’ve been involved in a number of conversations about questions recently.  They’ve covered topics like, what are the best questions, what should we avoid, and other areas.  These questions are always difficult to answer, because so much of the time, the best response is, “It depends.”  What may be a bad or inappropriate question in one situation could be good in another  (I think I’ve learned this by asking the right question in the wrong situation). I thought I’d provide some thoughts on problems I see in sales people’s questioning strategies.  I won’t address questions themselves, but will focus on […]

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Will That Be One Funnel Or Two?

By David Brock | July 18, 2011

My post yesterday, The Death Of The Funnel, Long Live The Funnel, stirred up some interesting conversation.  I thought I’d continue to stir the pot by challenging the notions of marketing and sales funnels.  Frankly, I’m not sure why we ever needed to have two funnels (maybe it was some marketing VP didn’t want to talk to the sales VP), but I think the time for two funnels is long gone. In theory a marketing funnel is the set of activities that attract the interest of prospects, increase awareness and understanding of the potential of our solutions, and keep their […]

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