Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Caring About Your Customer–The Ultimate Differentiator

By David Brock | November 25, 2009

I was read a great post written by my friend Charles H. Green, Why Client Focus Can’t Be About Profits. It’s outstanding, be sure to read it. Regular readers will know that I spend a lot of time working with organizations on Value Propositions.  In the past 18 months,  I’ve written over 40 articles related to this topic. Charlie’s post reminded me that I hadn’t written about one of the most important things about value propositions.  To tell you the truth, I assumed we all knew about this and just never wrote about it.  Thanks to Charlie for the reminder. […]

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Which Came First, The CRM System Or The Salesperson?

By David Brock | November 24, 2009

Last week, I took the time to attend’s meeting:  DreamForce ’09.   As a geek, I felt like a kid in a candy store–so many Shiny New Toys!  But as I wandered the sessions, I felt a strange sense of disconnect.  I kept struggling with, “what’s it mean to me, the sales person?” There were lots of very interesting sessions about new features and functions, shiny new capabilities, lot’s more to tie me to my computer–entering or consuming data.  Because it’s, there was a constant battle cry about “the cloud.”  I have to admit, from the point of view […]

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Sour Cream Rises To The Top

By David Brock | November 17, 2009

Hold this date:  Wednesday November 18, 2009 at 11:00AM EST. I will be participating in a Top Sales Experts Roundtable.  Details Below. Wednesday November 18th 2009 11:00AM EASTERN Your Invitation To Attend A Significant Sales Event In challenging times average sales managers tend to be exposed, they cannot hide.  So why is the average tenure of a sales leader less than 18 months? The reasons for failure  is simply many sales leaders do not fully understand what the real job is or have never been trained effectively to lead, manage and motivate their organizations. This Top Sales Experts Roundtable will […]

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Recognize Your Sales Superstars!

By David Brock | November 17, 2009

Sales superstars close more deals and ramp up business for their companies. Do you know one? AllBusiness and Top Sales Experts want to honor the top-performing salespeople who deliver results in today’s competitive market. You can help make that happen. We need your nomination. The panel of top sales coaches and experts will select one salesperson each month from among the nominees. Monthly winners will: Be recognized by their peers for their outstanding contributions Be profiled in a feature article for AllBusiness and its sister site, Hoover’s Receive free twelve month VIP membership at Top Sales Experts Receive a signed […]

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Why Every Marketer/Sales Person Should Read Richard Feynman’s Lectures On Physics

By David Brock | November 13, 2009

I spend most of my time working with high technology companies.  I’ve been involved in technology most of my career and if pressed, have to admit I’m a bit of a geek.  Part of my interest in technology may stem from the fact that by education I’m a physicist and engineer. One of the challenging things in working with technology companies is that we seem to revel in our complexity.  The more syllables our words have the better.  New acropnyms and buzzwords are things of beauty.  Every presentation has to have dozens of slides that present every feature, function and […]

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“I Can’t Get Customers To See Me!”

By David Brock | November 11, 2009

When I speak to sales people, this is the second biggest complaint I hear.  Sales people have trouble getting meetings.  This isn’t just with prospects, but also with customers we know well.  Let’s face it, everyone is time-poor.  Everyone has more on their plates than they can possibly deal with, and the pile just gets bigger.  In  the face of customers being time-poor, in order to get a meeting, we have to have a compelling reason for them to invest their precious time in us.  This probably bears repeating with emphasis: In order to get a meeting, we have to […]

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