Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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New Sales Managers and The Superman Syndrome

By David Brock | August 8, 2009

 The other day, I was having a conversation with Jeff.  Jeff was a relatively newly minted sales manager.  He had been one of his company’s top revenue producers, consistently beating quota, bringing in some of the biggest and toughest deals in the company.  The promotion to sales manager was a great step forward for Jeff in his career.  I had the opportunity to have lunch with Jeff, while visiting the company, so I asked him how things were going and how he liked the role of sales manager.  Jeff, hesitated, then he said, “Dave, I’m really struggling.  I’m working longer […]

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Sales Management—Pieces Of The Puzzle

By David Brock | August 6, 2009

 The phone conversation was pretty typical:  “Dave, we’re starting a major training initiative with our sales organization.”  Or it may start, “Dave, we have the wrong people, they aren’t producing the results we need.” My response is almost always, “That’s interesting, what makes you think that will solve the problem?”  Often, at this point, you can hear the discomfort over the phone.  Often I know the thought is, “Who is this guy asking me about my problem, I’m smart, I know what my problem is.”  Sometimes, it’s confusion, “What do you mean?”  Or, as my friend, Niall Devitt, describe, they […]

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What’s A Killer Question To Ask A Customer….

By David Brock | August 4, 2009

Visit enough social networking sites, LinkedIn questions, and sales forums, and you will see questions like this:  “What’s a killer question to ask a customer?” or  “What’s a killer value proposition that will win?” or “What’s a killer close?” Someone is always looking for the “killer” approach, as if you can answer that independent of the customer, the situation and the solutions you represent.  Is the killer question I ask a consumer looking to buy a new car the same killer question I ask a CEO investing millions of dollars restructucturing his organization and strategy, or the same question I ask […]

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Sales Leaders Organizational Checkup and Self-Assessment

By David Brock | August 3, 2009

I was talking about one of my favorite topics, sales leadership, with my close friend and client, Jeff Stanley, Director Of Sales Excellence, AT&T Mobility. Jeff is one of those great pracitioners and coaches in Sales Onboarding and Sales Management.  He is always very pragmatic–with suggestions that have been operationally tested. In our conversation, Jeff was coming up with so many ideas, I asked him to write a guest post for this blog.  It’s below (I did have to embellish it some–you’ll recognize some of my additions.).   Sales Leaders Organizational Checkup and Self-Assessment By Jeffrey Stanley, Director of Sales […]

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Creating “Thick” Value

By David Brock | August 2, 2009

One of my constant themes is on creating real value for your customers. I just ran across this presentation from Umair Hague at the Brite Conference in March. He approaches value creation from a very broad perspective. It’s a fascinating presentation and should provoke deep thinking about how organizations must create real difference or authentic value in the future. The presentation is a bit long, but I encourage you to hang in and watch it. Umair Haque at BRITE ’09 conference from BRITE Conference on Vimeo.

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A Rant About Sales Reporting, Bureaucracy, and Paperwork!

By David Brock | August 1, 2009

By now, you probably know that I have a fairly short fuse and tend to get impatient fairly quickly–and sometimes unfairly.  However, I couldn’t restrain myself.  I’ve been tracking some conversations about sales reporting, CRM systems, and “useless paperwork.” None of us like paperwork and bureaucracy.  Yet management has a justified need to be informed about critical things that impact the business.  A part of a salesperson’s job is to provide that information–on a timely basis and efficiently.  Many sales people rant “Do you want me calling on a customer or doing paperwork?”  Frankly, I believe that’s BS–an excuse.  I’ve […]

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