Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Our “Success” Blinds Us To Our Underperformance!

By David Brock | November 9, 2021

Not long ago, I was speaking with the executive team of a fairly large company. A frustrated CRO had invited me to help, he was struggling to drive some major changes in their go to customer strategies but wasn’t getting executive support. As timing would have it, the meeting was scheduled a few days after they had announced record growth, both in comparing YoY performance and current year growth. It was a $ Multi-Billion organization. The executive team was, rightfully, proud of their performance. The CEO set the tone at the outset, “Why should we be meeting, didn’t you see […]

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Salespeople, The Help You Are Giving Your Customers Isn’t Very Helpful!

By David Brock | November 8, 2021

Hopefully, most sales people recognize they create more value when they are being helpful to the customer. Just focusing on getting the order isn’t very helpful, we need to move past that. But do we really understand the help our customers need, and are we providing that help? It seems the help too many organizations think the help customers need is focusing on telling our customers about our companies and our products. They think it’s helpful to share “corporate glamour charts,” focusing on how impressive their companies are. These organizations and salespeople think the process of handing customers from one […]

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Do We Really Want Our Sales People To Be Value Creators?

By David Brock | November 5, 2021

In complex B2B buying, it’s popular to talk about being consultative and/or creating value with our customers. We talk about sales people as problem solvers, working with our customers to identify and help solve their problems. Despite giving lip service to these concepts, it seems our actions are focused on the opposite. Too many organizations seem so focused on their own efficiency, mechanizing our process, and transactionalizing our engagement strategies. We are creating massive sales assembly lines optimizing the order taking process. More than 10 years ago, CEB (now Gartner) highlighted data about how customers were not getting sales people […]

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The Digital Buying Journey Is Very Human

By David Brock | November 2, 2021

We see tremendous research on the digital buying journey. We know customers spend more of their buying journey finding information in digital and other channels. Engagement with sales people represent the smallest part of their time investment. I’ve written about this transformation suggesting we are going through a transformation of sales led, digitally supported to digitally led, sales supported. Marketers are reveling in this transformation, thinking, “More content, more automation tools, more spending…” Sales people are rejoicing, as well, thinking, “Now we only have to get involved in the end of the process.” So much of our thinking is around […]

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On Questions And Questioning

By David Brock | October 29, 2021

Questions are probably one of the most critical tools for sales people and all leaders. They provide a powerful means of learning and growth. It’s through questions and questioning, we think about change, doing things differently. But sometimes, our questions are less effective or actually weaponize our intent. They don’t help us or the people we are posing the questions to learn and grow. Too often, we ask questions “with an implicit agenda.” The questions are intended to lead the responder down a a predetermined path to achieve the outcome the questioner desires. This questioning isn’t focused on learning or […]

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The Pandemic, What Buyers Discovered

By David Brock | October 27, 2021

As sellers, the pandemic has forced us to rethink our work and how we engage our customers. We’ve seen customers cancel “high priority/committed projects,” and shift funding to “ad hoc” projects that were more important. This creates both opportunity and threats. BTW, this isn’t really a new insight, Hank Barnes has been doing very thoughtful research for years. Perhaps, the pandemic has accelerated this or created heightened visibility. One of the biggest adjustments we’ve made is to “virtual selling.” With the inability to travel or actually meet F2F, we had to find a new method for engaging our customers. There […]

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