Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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What Have You Learned Today?

By David Brock | December 17, 2008

Nina Simosko wrote a great post at the Slow Leadership blog. She addresses the issue of “can you ever have learned enough.” Somehow, the answer to the question seems obvious, but as she implies, unwittingly, many seem to have stopped learning. There are all sorts of excuses, probably the most dominant is “I’m too busy,” the arrogant ones: “I have such deep experience.” The list can go on. Nina points out: “…thinking that you know it all is a sure sign of troubles to come….” As a consultant, unfortunately, many of the problems I see organizations have is they (and […]

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What’s Your Question To Comments Ratio?

By David Brock | December 12, 2008

Great post at Art Petty’s Management Excellence Blog. It speaks to the issue that too many leaders — and I would expand that to business professionals, tend to talk too much and question—listen—probe too little. The Question To Comments ratio concept is fantastic! Take the time to read and practice his advice!

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Vicious Disqualification Is Critical For Sales In A Down Economy!

By David Brock | December 12, 2008

Yesterday, I spent time with the sales management team of a large corporation reviewing their funnel. I noticed something very important, the quality of the deals in the funnel had declined significantly. It seems, as things were getting tougher, management was pushing sales to “go out and get more deals!” In an effort to keep their funnels full, the sales people were chasing bad deals. They were deals in which the customer had no real interest, urgency, or funding to go forward with a project. Deals in which my client’s solutions were marginally competitive. Deals that were the wishful thinking […]

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A Night Sleeping On The Floor At Houston Intercontinental, Gate B85

By David Brock | December 11, 2008

It’s 6:20 am, Central Time, I’m in the President’s Club in Terminal B at Houston Intercontinental. The trials of winter travel started for me last night. I barely made my connecting flight to the East Coast last night. We finally left the gate, 90 minutes late. Six and a half (that’s right 6.5) hours later, still sitting on the tarmac, along with dozens of other planes waiting to be de-iced by one of Houston’s 2 de-icers, the pilot turned back, we had burned through our fuel. Turned out to be the same plight of dozens of other planes. My guess […]

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What We Miss About Creating Value

By David Brock | December 10, 2008

I’m often called upon to speak about Value Propositions! Every time, I do some quick research about the topic. It continues to be one of the most popular subjects: 1. Yesterday’s Google search on “Value Propositions” yielded 4,140,000 hits, up from 2,900,000 in January.2. It continues to be a “hot topic” in blogs and in consultant pontification (I guess I need to include myself on this).3. In our own web marketing (SEO) programs, it is the second highest performer, just behind strategic alliances and partnering.4. When we talk to our clients’ customers, one of the biggest issues they have is […]

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It’s All About Trust

By David Brock | December 6, 2008

I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about trust recently. Everyday, the news brings more reports of breaches of trust. The leaders and institutions I have thought I could trust have failed. All around, I see erosions of trust—little things, here and there, a commitment made and missed, a confidence betrayed, selfish or thoughtless actions. A close business friend took many months to pay a large invoice and decommitted on a project, in the middle of the project — costing me thousands of dollars. He has told my how badly he feels, but it was a rather large betrayal. Another […]

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