Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Eleven Characteristics Of Critical Thinkers

By David Brock | June 18, 2008

Several days ago, commented on the topic of “Why Managers Don’t Think Deeply.” Apparently, based on responses I received, there is some interest in this topic. I thought it would be worthwhile to share some characteristics of critical thinkers. Have a passion for clarity, precision, accuracy, relevance, consistency, logical-ness, completeness, and fairness.Are sensitive to ways in which critical thinking can be skewed by egocentrism, wishful thinking, biases, and ignorance.Are intellectually honest with themselves, acknowledging their limitations and lack of knowledge.Listen open-mindedly to opposing points of view, welcoming criticisms of beliefs and assumptions.Base their views on facts and evidence rather than […]

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Colin Powell Lessons On Leadershiip

By David Brock | June 18, 2008

I just ran across this on Slideshare. It’s a bit dated, but still interesting and a good reminder on leadership. View Upload your own A presentation given by former Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell regarding leadership and victory in business and life.SlideShare Link

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Quiet Time–Break Away From Email, Phones, Blackberry’s

By David Brock | June 17, 2008

Interesting article in today’s New York Times: Lost In E-Mail, Tech Firm Face Self-Made Beast. The article examines efforts by many companies to understand the impact of constant interruptions on productivity. Companies are finding tremendous results in forcing people to stop distractions for a period of time each day, devoting that time to thinking or getting real work done (such a concept!). The article cited a Basex study which placed the impact in lost productivity in the U.S. due to distractions at more than $650 billion annually! Take the time to read the article. Better yet, everyday, try to take […]

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Why Don’t Managers Think Deeply

By David Brock | June 16, 2008

Today, the Harvard Business Review Working Knowledge Newsletter and Art Petty On Management had complementary articles on Why Don’t Managers Think Deeply? It’s a fascinating topic that should concern all leaders. Both are worth reading, and, dare I say, thinking about. I’d like to add some of my own opinions about why manager’s don’t think deeply: People confuse form with substance: Brilliant presentations, PowerPoint’s, or “hot programs” may be attractive and create a lot of interest, but many have no depth beyond the bullet point on the chart. People haven’t really thought about what the strategy and the most effective […]

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Meetings, Meetings, Meetings!?#?!!%&*

By David Brock | June 12, 2008

“A person’s stature in business is measured by the number of meetings on their agenda!” Sometimes I actually believe people think this is true. I see too many people participating in too many meetings—that accomplish absolutely nothing! The problem is worse in today’s “always available” global business environment. People are always on, conference calls, and other “meetings” consume our lives. I recently did an informal audit of a number of clients and found many scheduling meetings from 5:00AM through midnight! I also found, that during this 19 hour period, many were in meetings for as many as 12 hours during […]

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Having A Bad Day?

By David Brock | June 12, 2008

Interesting post in The Positivity Blog. All of us have bad days, we feel off or unproductive. Shaking off whatever causes the bad day is difficult. The blog offers several points to help, I have reordered them and put my own twist on them: Work out: Working out helps me clear my mind, getting off whatever is bothering or frustrating me. I am always refreshed and productive after I’ve worked out. Beyond the health benefits, working out helps me focus and be more effective. I encourage every professional to take a few minutes in their day to work out in […]

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