Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Goal Attainment Is More Than Making The Number!

By David Brock | October 12, 2021

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve had a lot of conversations about sales performance. It’s largely driven by planning for the next calendar year. Too often, I get the comment, “People are making their numbers, but we aren’t achieving our goals!” Too often, the driving metric for sales performance is “the number,” quota, or the revenue goal. Performance and comp is driven by a single number. It’s binary, you make/exceed it and you are a hero. You don’t make your number and you are on an improvement plan. One group was, largely hitting their revenue targets. But as we […]

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“The Joy Of Selling…,” Have We Lost It?

By David Brock | October 11, 2021

As a preface, my friend, Hank Barnes, wrote me saying he and several others are declaring October 12 as “World B2B Pet Peeve Day.” He asked me to contribute a post commemorating this occasion. I struggled a moment. Regular readers know that I write a lot about “pet peeves.” Whether it’s bad prospecting, bad Social Channel interactions, bad selling, weak sales management, ineffective training, and so forth. I’ve written so much on where we are underperforming our potential as sales professionals, or undeserving out customers. I thought for a while, then realized something that has been bothering me for some […]

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“Sorry For Reaching Out Randomly….”

By David Brock | October 9, 2021

I’m quickly going through my email. I opened an email that I knew would be a prospecting email, but I decided to read it since it had made it through all the filters I set up. I made it through the first 2 sentences: “Hi David,Hope you’re doing well!  We are sorry for reaching out randomly.” I stopped there, adding the email to my spam folder to block future communications. The problem, we can never be prospecting randomly. Yet most of what I see is just that, a random outreach because someone has guessed my email, phone number or social […]

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Who Is Your Customer?

By David Brock | October 5, 2021

Do you know who your customer is? More importantly, do you know who your customer isn’t? Perhaps the biggest thing that impacts our performance is we don’t know who our customer, we define our ideal customer in such vague terms that we waste a lot of time and brand equity on customers that we should never be selling to. If my various inboxes are any indicator, the majority of sales and marketing people do no targeting other than, “Do we have an email? A phone number? A LinkedIn ID? We get prospecting outreaches from companies that should never reach us. […]

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Is This Problem Important For Your Customer To Solve?

By David Brock | September 29, 2021

We struggle to get in front of customers, to find opportunities, to nurture them through the buying cycle, and, ultimately, to win. Yet, the majority of those complex buying opportunities end in “No Decision Made.” For those that are left, we hope to win our fair share. And then after our customers have made a decision, we learn there is high decision regret. They aren’t confident they have done the right thing, they won’t achieve their goals, they could have made a better business decision. It’s not an image of optimism, both for our customers and for sales. If we […]

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Moving From Information Scarcity To Abundance

By David Brock | September 28, 2021

In the “good old days,” perhaps 10+ years ago, salespeople were the primary source of information about potential solutions for their customers. Customers and prospects sought sales people to learn about new solutions, trends in the markets, what other similar companies were doing. Customers, also, looked for other sources of information–through networking with others, conferences, trade magazines, research companies, consultants, and others. But getting this information, particularly high quality, trustworthy information was a challenge. Customers often found themselves wanting more, or questioning the quality of that which they were getting. They struggled with the issue, “Is there anything else we […]

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