Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Buzzword Bingo

By David Brock | August 26, 2021

Every once in a while, some colleagues and I play a game of Buzzword Bingo. We may be attending a meeting, perhaps watching a webcast, or sitting in on an investor call. We listen for specific words that are “fashionable.” Each of us has a list of words we are trying to find, the person completing their list first texts “BINGO” to the rest of us. For example, we were listening to a webcast on “effective SaaS selling.” We decided on a list of fashionable acronyms seeking to see how many the speakers used in a presentation. As you might […]

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The Tedium Of Change

By David Brock | August 24, 2021

Change is a popular topic. Simultaneously, we celebrate, embrace, resist, and fear change. We initiate endless change initiatives. The process of recognizing the need to change is invigorating. We do a lot of analysis, there are innumerable meetings talking about the need to change, discussions of the options, planning for the change. Then we implement change initiatives, often with a bang. There are kick-off or launch meetings. There are events and programs to roll out the initiatives. There may be training, there may be new tools and systems, new processes. We worry about buy-in and resistance to change initiatives. We […]

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The Future Of Work Is Not About Where We Work From

By David Brock | August 19, 2021

I am probably sounding like a broken record. I apologize, but I think we are missing a huge shift in “what work is, how work gets done.” Too many conversations focus on “where we work from,” but ignore the profound changes in the work itself. Where we work from is meaningless until we understand what work is and means. I’m sorry, I’m bored and uninspired by conversations about WFH, work from the office, virtual work, hybrid, work from anywhere. (Partly because I’ve been doing all for 30 years—been there done that, ho hum……) We are in the midst of a […]

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Do You (And Your Customer) Have A Real Deal?

By David Brock | August 18, 2021

Probably one of the weakest areas of buying and selling I see is “qualifying.” As sales people, there are dozens of acronyms, if any are applied, you have a “qualified deal.” BANT is the grandfather of all of these, but others have come up with their own alphabet soup pushing their approaches. These can be helpful if applied, but too often, sales people don’t apply them in a disciplined fashion. However, these are for sales people to use, hopefully, in finding good deals to chase. But just because the customer can answer those questions doesn’t necessarily mean the deal is […]

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Situational Adaptability

By David Brock | August 18, 2021

I got a prospecting call. We had actually arranged a conversation, the company had something that interested me–software for our business. I had reached out, checking the box, “please contact me…..” The sales person called, he started his questions. They weren’t really relevant, I had actually done my homework and I had questions on several specific issues. I stopped the sales person, saying, “Here’s what I’m concerned about…….” The sales person paused, then started asking questions, but they weren’t about my issues. I suspected his playbook had another set of questions–not about my issues, but they must have been “plan […]

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Virtual Selling Is Not The Future Of Sales! Part 2

By David Brock | August 12, 2021

It’s become high fashion to declare the future of selling is “virtual.” While F2F, telephone, text, and other approaches will continue to exist, everything is moving to virtual. Usually, there’s a whole bunch of data to support why this is important. For example, sales people can make back to back sales calls through the whole day. Rather than making a few calls, they can schedule every hour of the day with Zoom calls. That improved productivity data is always accompanied by cost of selling data. We get more done with the same resources. There’s a problem to our thinking on […]

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