Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Value Realization Is Only Table Stakes, What Differentiates Us?

By David Brock | October 17, 2022

Recently, I read a pretty old article in HBR: Business Marketing: Understanding What Customers Value. It’s a good article, written in 1998. It presents what all of us, at the time, focused on in our value positioning/creation. I learned this and have taught it to thousands of sellers, it’s the value realized through the implementation of our solutions. We have always focused on this as our value proposition. The reality, is the other solutions, those offered by our competitors, probably offer similar value. Of course, there are small nuances and differences; “we do it this way, they do it differently…. […]

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“It’s The Way We Put It Together, That Sets Us Apart”

By David Brock | October 14, 2022

Too often, when we look at high performance organizations or sellers, we tend to focus on one or two things they do, attributing those their success. “High performers leverage technology…..” “High performers are better prospectors….” “They create much superior value…” “They have consistently better pipelines….” “They leverage social platforms….” ……and on and on… We can go on and on with the single things that high performing people and organizations do better than others. And, too often, those “single performance levers,” have to do with something someone is selling. Perhaps a sales methodology, technology/tools, a service or consulting program. We nurture […]

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Our Fears Of Losing….

By David Brock | October 12, 2022

Classically, we tend to view winning and losing as two sides of the same coin. If we don’t win, we lose and vice versa. As a result, we are supposed to focus on those things that cause us to win. The problem is, fear of losing more often freezes us. We choose to do nothing–or keep doing the same. By doing this, we may not win. But more importantly we don’t lose! Let me restate this. We are committed to not losing! But that doesn’t imply a commitment to winning. It is human nature to want to minimize loss. We […]

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Ask Us (Almost) Anything!

By David Brock | October 12, 2022

I’m excited to announce a new LiveStream series! Aaron Evans and I are cohosting a series, Ask Us (Almost) Anything! Aaron is someone I’ve deeply respected for some time. He has one of the most thoughtful points of view on selling that I’ve experienced—though sometimes we disagree. We, also, share a deep pride in our profession, with hopes to see it continue to grow and improve in the value sellers create with customers. Aaron and I go back and forth with each other. Asking questions, challenging each other on different ideas. We each, field questions from sellers everyday. Frequent readers […]

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Seller Engagement, Are We Asking Ourselves The Right Questions?

By David Brock | October 10, 2022

We are encountering unprecedented turnover, engagement, talent acquisition/retention issues, at all levels in selling roles. The great resignation, quiet quitting, employee engagement, and other terms have become commonplace in corporate talent conversations. At the same time, we read about “burn out.” Simultaneously, we are facing recession and talent shortages in key seller roles. Leaders look at substantive layoffs, while at the same time continue critical recruiting. We see declines in tenure, at all levels in selling. Tenures of roughly 11 months! Leaders are struggling with what to do……. They ask, “How do we create comp plans that attract and retain […]

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SDRs And AEs, Do We Have Things Backwards?

By David Brock | October 9, 2022

I’ve always had a contrarian opinion about the roles of SDRs and AEs. While these roles can be very important, often, I think we have our ideas about these roles backwards. As a result, we set both up for failure. First, let me focus the discussion. For highly transactional, inbound buying. Perhaps the current approach works. It might work better, though. But for complex B2B, particularly outbound, the model is set up for failure. Of course, many of you will talk about your success in implementing this, but I suspect you could be much more successful. And the data shows […]

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