Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Getting What We Want

By David Brock | January 26, 2021

Sales people are singularly focused on making sales—getting the PO. In some sense, that’s great. We want sales people to be driven to win deals, to get new orders, to grow our revenue. Sadly, though, this singular focus on orders actually doesn’t serve us well. We miss the key issue that drives our ability to get an order. We focus on getting what we want–the PO. But we will never get what we want until our customers get what they need–a solution to the problem they are trying to address. While this is so obvious, it should elicit bored “Dugghhh’s” […]

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The Problem With Our “Discovery Process”

By David Brock | January 25, 2021

We’ve all been taught the importance of “discovery.” It’s that process where we pummel our prospects with questions to discover their needs, priorities, and their decision-making process. It’s in the discovery process that we actually figure out what it takes to win–earn the customer’s business. But there are several problems with the way we do this: First, too often, we really don’t do discovery, we focus on pitching our products and companies, not taking the time to understand what the customer is trying to achieve. Instead, arrogantly, we leave it to the customer to figure out whether what we do […]

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Is Your Solution Easy To Buy?

By David Brock | January 19, 2021

We focus a lot of our sales enablement and related efforts on making our products and services easier to sell. We provide training, tools, coaching, support to our sales people. We want them to master everything about our products and solutions so they can easily sell them But we are missing something important. Just because we are making our offerings easier to sell, doesn’t mean we will sell more. We need to think about how we make our products easier to buy. Too often, when I talk about this, people think about the ordering process. They think about on-line shopping […]

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Not Everyone Wants To Be, Or Should Be A Manager!

By David Brock | January 15, 2021

The other day, I had a conversation with a salesperson. She wanted some coaching on her career and how she might advance and develop. She said, “Dave, it seems the only way to advance in my sales career is to be a manager. But I love selling, I love working accounts and doing deals. I’m not sure I want to be a manager—but I still want to advance in my career….” She’s focused on a critical issue too few leaders pay attention to. Not everyone wants to be or should be a manager. We need to think of career paths […]

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The Power Of A Smile

By David Brock | January 14, 2021

This is a bit of self indulgence, but, at the same time, an “a-ha” moment. We spend millions of dollars trying to connect–with customers, with our employees, with our leaders. There are tricks, techniques, processes to help us connect. The secret of connecting, in deep ways, is simple. It’s a smile. Not one of those pasted on smiles. But a genuine smile–driven by caring, compassion, and love. Even for a stranger. A genuine smile overcomes everything. It creates connection, it establishes meaning. It is the basis of caring. And that’s all our customers want to know. That’s all our people […]

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Please, Tell Me Something New!

By David Brock | January 14, 2021

I’m sure you are victim of the kind of email and social outreach I get. What spurred this post was an InMail I received this morning. It was a prospecting post, the same one, word for word, this individual sends me every month. Each time, my response is the same, “Thank you, but I’m not interested in learning more. I wish you the best.” Then I reflect on much of the email prospecting I get. There are those with a message, followed weekly (because we are supposed to have 12-16 touches) with “Did you get my email on this topic?” […]

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