Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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I Suck In Prospecting!

By David Brock | October 21, 2020

I’m embarrassed to admit this. I have some real prospecting problems. It’s embarrassing, I write about prospecting a lot, I speak, I coach people, we run prospecting workshops. But there’s a part of prospecting, I’m embarrassed to say, that I’m really horrible at. I’m a terrible prospect. It’s embarrassing. I’m supposed to be pretty good at this stuff, but I’ve discovered I’m probably one of the worst prospects around. I try to live up to my responsibilities as a prospect, but too consistently fail miserably. Let me confess my inadequacies I ignore way too many emails. I realize sales people […]

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False Choices

By David Brock | October 21, 2020

My good friend, George Bronten, posted a survey on LinkedIn. He posed the question, “Which of the following workflow is more important, Prospecting, Opportunity Management, Account Development, Partners.” My immediate reaction to this is, “This is a false choice, we have to do all of this!” The reality is that we have to do the complete job–as individuals and organizations. None of these areas stands alone–each impacts the other, each cannot exist without the other. Unfortunately, leaders treat these as independent. Right now, too many people believe, “If we only solve our prospecting problem, everything would be great!” So much […]

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Are You Really Differentiated?

By David Brock | October 20, 2020

We all know the importance of differentiation. If we aren’t differentiated from the alternatives, how does the customer choose? If we can’t create differentiation, price becomes the differentiator. Years ago, the primary differentiator seemed to be our products/solutions. We sought to demonstrate the superiority of our offers by the capabilities we offered in our solutions. But we’ve learned product based differentiation is table stakes. We’ve learned the customer’s all of the alternatives on the customer short list will solve their problems. Of course there are nuances and differences, but too often, these are irrelevant to the customer. We try to […]

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Which Sales Methodology?

By David Brock | October 19, 2020

I’ve gone through training in countless sales methodologies. Our own company has developed and implemented sales methodologies used by thousands of sales people–though all of our work is customized to the strategies, priorities, culture/values of the organizations we work with. Today, I read an article that was a high level assessment of 21 sales methodologies. I admire the author in taking the time. Several things struck me: The approach for most of these, regardless of how politely the suppliers phrase them, tends to be: “Here are the things we do to the customer….” They focused on our selling activities and […]

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Leadership Is About Making Choices

By David Brock | October 17, 2020

I have to confess, this article was provoked reading the newspaper about the upcoming elections. Many “leaders,” political and otherwise, are making statements. Some are choosing not to vote, one feels that a write in vote for “Ronald Reagan” demonstrates his leadership and thoughtfulness. While it’s been those incidents that got me thinking about the issue, I reflected on so many situations I see in business. Too often, I see leaders failing to make decisions, failing to take action to address issues that impact organizational performance. For example, too often, we see leaders failing to take action on people issues. […]

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Back To Basics

By David Brock | October 16, 2020

I saw an article in my newsfeed by McKinsey: How European marketing and sales leaders handle COVID-19’s effects. In reading it, I was underwhelmed. There was nothing really new, what they were talking about was really sound leadership and management practice—COVID crisis or not. Reflecting on it, I realized, perhaps that’s the point! Basic principles, thoughtful leadership, sharp execution always work! Contexts change–but these basics always enable people and the organization to respond and adapt much more quickly. What the COVID crisis, or any crisis for that matter, has done is made visible our bad practice. It’s made them visible […]

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