Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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What Is The Customer Completing In Their Buying Journey?

By David Brock | October 7, 2020

Right now, open up your CRM system. Go to the opportunity tab, look at your sales process steps. It will probably reflect critical stages and selling activities, enabling you to move through your process. Probably, it also creates a “probability assessment,” that is a likelihood of winning. Unless your system has been modified, it measure your progress through the selling cycle. For example, the probability of an opportunity in prospecting is much less than qualifying, which is less than that for proposing, and in turn less than that for closing. It measures your progress through the sales process, but not […]

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The LinkedIn Algorithm

By David Brock | October 2, 2020

I was talking to Amy. “Dave,” she said, “Your posts aren’t optimized For the LinkedIn algorithm” “You could get 10 times more likes and comments If you just write for the algorithm” I appreciated Amy’s idea, she’s a rockstar. But I wondered, Is that the point? Do I write for LinkedIn’s algorithm? Do I write for likes and comments? Particularly when, most of the comments are… “You’re the man, Dave!” I guess LinkedIn’s algorithm, doesn’t like substantive conversation. But curious, I studied the algorithm. I think LinkedIn has a literary bias. Perhaps it’s Iambic Pentameter. It doesn’t appear to look […]

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Are You Solving For Your Customers’ “Feeling”

By David Brock | October 1, 2020

“Sales is all about people!” It’s been one of those throw away terms all of us have heard about selling since the very first day we started selling. In the old days, a lot of this was interpreted as “relationship sales,” and implemented as social interactions like taking them to lunch, the golf course, telling jokes, making sure you sent their kids birthday cards. Customers saw through this pretty quickly. While they may have taken the sales person up for the lunch of the golf game, these sales people weren’t being helpful to the customer in solving their problems. Fast […]

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Do Our Discovery Questions Really Allow Us To Do That?

By David Brock | September 25, 2020

The discovery part of the buying and selling proceesses are, perhaps, the most important part of the process. It is a huge amount of the shared learning process we start with our customers. But, do we really “discover,” in this process, or are we just seeking confirmation for what we want to hear? Too often, our discovery questions are highly scripted to get us to learn the things we need to know to better sell? First, we ask a series of questions to qualify, nominally, the opportunity. We only want to know one thing, “Is this a good fit for […]

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Does Your Customer Understand Their “Why?”

By David Brock | September 24, 2020

When we engage our customers in discussing opportunities, we know it’s critical to understand “why.” Why are they considering making a change? Why now? What are the consequences of doing nothing? What are they trying to achieve? Why is this important to you and the organization? We are much more effective when we understand what’s driving the customer and we align our strategies around helping the customer navigate the change initiative. We ground everything we do in helping them better understand and address their “why.” But often, particularly in complex B2B buying journeys, the customer loses track of their why–or […]

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“Let’s Partner!”

By David Brock | September 23, 2020

“Let’s partner,” or many variations on the theme appear in a large number of the LinkedIn and email communications I receive. We all know that’s just another term for “I’d like to sell you something.” Perhaps it’s my sadistic nature, but every once in a while, toying with someone who sends a particularly strongly worded “partnering” message, I often respond, “It would be great to partner. Can we schedule a conversation about how we have helped organizations like yours improve results?” The responses are hilarious. One person actually said, “You don’t understand, I’m trying to sell you something! I’m not […]

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