Well, it’s 2010, a New Year! We have put 2009 behind us, and as we are prone to do, forget the lessons we learned or things we discovered.
Before rushing into the New Year, take time this weekend to reflect. Do a couple of things to inspire yourself:
Read Seth Godin’s eBook: What Matters Now. It’s a great collection of short articles on all sorts of different perspectives. It’s great food for thought as you think about what you want to achieve for the new year.
Then take the time to think about how you can Make A Difference. My friend, Rebel Brown, has an interesting idea: Think Small. Think about how you can make a difference in a person’s life every day this year. As Rebel puts it, think small. Sometimes the difference you make is nothing more than a smile, or a thoughtful note. It may be taking the time to listen. Imagine what each of us can accomplish–365 small acts of Making A Difference.
Think what could happen, it can snowball. Imagine, each person reading this post doing 365 acts of Making a Difference—we’re now into 100’s of thousands. Then those people that we’ve impacted will start doing the same thing. Who says change is tough? All it takes is one small act every day.
Happy 2010!
Hi Dave
It’s interesting to me to that Seth titled his book “what matters now”. Will people still read it in the future without realizing it’s outdated? Of course, by then he will likely come out with another book: “what mattered back then.”
On thinking small – It’s easy to look at all the trouble in the world and get a little overwhelmed. Sometimes I think this makes it’s easier to look the other way. After all, the problem is huge, we’ll never solve it (world hunger of example). Magnitude can be a convenient excuse for apathy. However, the truth is that each of us has the power to change the world, or to sit back and watch people flounder. I suspect that those things we do for others are intrinsically more valuable on the whole, than the things we do for ourselves.
Thank you for reminding us to change our thinking toward others – the only way positive change will ever happen.
Don F Perkins