2020 has been a year that none of us have ever experienced. We have found our lives and those around us turned upside down. The pandemic, the economic downturn, social and political unrest–worldwide.
No one has escaped these. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know someone impacted by Covid 19, or known someone who has been hospitalized or died. Likewise, we have seen friends, family, people and businesses in our community who are struggling to make ends meet.
In the face of all of this and on the eve of the American “Thanksgiving,” many are wondering what there is to be thankful for.
As I take inventory, I find there’s a huge amount.
I’ve learned–or am accelerating my learning–on how to be more empathetic, to be a better listener, to be more patiently impatient. I’m learning how to appreciate those with very different views, both trying to learn from them. I’ve learned to appreciate it’s these different points of views–when we listen to each other–that enable us to grow and achieve.
Most of all, I’ve learned a lot about true friendship. People who I always knew were friends, but gather around to listen and just be there when I need them. And hopefully, as I’ve learned what their friendship means to me, I can be as good a friend to them.
I have a lot to be truly thankful for and people for whom I am deeply thankful.
But on reflecting on those that are struggling, I believe the true spirit of Thanksgiving is in the giving.
So, I’d like to invite you to join me in a challenge. All my readers and followers can afford to give someone you don’t know $100 (or the equivalent in your currency). I’d like you to focus your giving on someone or some organization meaningful to you.
Some ideas:
- Give it to a local food bank. They are serving 1000’s of people who need meals. I just learned that $100 to my local food bank provides 300 meals.
- Go to a local restaurant that is struggling, buy gift cards, give them to healthcare workers and other front line people, putting their lives at risk to keep us safe.
- Go to another local store, perhaps clothing, buy gift cards and take them to a shelter.
- Find a school program that is giving devices to children who otherwise can’t take advantage of distance learning.
- Find a local shelter, give them the money, food or other cards.
- ….Add your ideas in the comments to this post.
Send me your ideas, more importantly, the stories of where you have decided to give, making a difference in some one’s life. I’d love to publish them, to provoke others to get involved. I’ll match the first 30 I get with contributions to my local food bank.
Think of the impact we can have. If just 10% of the followers to this blog take action, we will contribute $100’s of thousands to people in need in our local communities. And I know more than 10% will get involved.
Thank you for joining me in the spirit of this American Holiday, and in the coming month as we celebrate many other Holidays of thanks-giving.
Great challenge, Dave! Count me in with my donation to Feeding America.
Thanks so much Bill! It’s fascinating how much impact we can have and how much it’s needed.