This is a bit of self indulgence, but, at the same time, an “a-ha” moment.
We spend millions of dollars trying to connect–with customers, with our employees, with our leaders. There are tricks, techniques, processes to help us connect.
The secret of connecting, in deep ways, is simple. It’s a smile.
Not one of those pasted on smiles. But a genuine smile–driven by caring, compassion, and love. Even for a stranger.
A genuine smile overcomes everything. It creates connection, it establishes meaning. It is the basis of caring. And that’s all our customers want to know. That’s all our people want to know.
It’s simple, they want to know that we care.
I stumbled upon this in the past few days. Regular readers will know that one year ago, we lost Kookie. Kookie was my best friend, my mentor, my hero, my lover, and my wife of 38 years. She was the best sales person and sales leader I have ever met (read the last chapter in Sales Manager Survival Guide). She established deep relationships at all levels of her customers. Whether it was Jack Welch, David Rockefeller, John Chambers, or Edmond Safra. Or it might have been the third shift data center manager calling her at 3 in the morning. Or the receptionist at One Chase Plaza.
The common denominator was “The Smile” that everyone knew, “I care.”
Over the past few days, a number of us have been sharing remembrances of her. I started to notice a common theme. Everything came down to the smile. Kookie always smiled. But there was a magic to it. There was humor and fun behind the smile. That established interest. But as you got to know her, you discovered compassion, caring and love.
The whole secret to connecting is so simple. It is a genuine smile.
It’s not a technique. It’s not something you can train people on. There is no formula. But it’s simple and overcomes everything.
A smile is our most powerful tool to connecting with each other. A smile is all about caring and compassion.
A smile is magic!
Dave, thank you for this reminder of how important it is to truly care about the people we are lucky enough to call our customers. It’s such a simple thing – it comes through in a smile, though maybe it’s not always easy! If you put your customer’s success first and foremost, your own will follow, and I don’t see how you can do that without truly caring. I don’t know you personally and I didn’t know Kookie, but what a lovely tribute, the remembrances about how she cared. It is really a lovely tribute that this is something for which she was remembered. How remarkable! – All the best, Jordan
I’m touched. Thank you Jordan!